Don’t run away from me,
I’ll be your ACLU friend,
and capture your gray brothers
in a have-a-heart trap.
and have a chat with them
about civil rights
and loving kindness.
Don’t mind them when they chitter
and guffaw like Southern crackers.
They have no KKK, and never heard
Billie Holiday’s rendition of Strange Fruit
or learned that Black Is Beautiful.
You both have the same bushy tails,
gnaw with sharp incisor teeth,
and scamper up and down trees
like circus acrobats. You’re more alike
than different except for the color of your skin.
Like all ignoramuses, grays are prejudiced,
and avoid their fellow black squirrels
out of fear of a stranger who is different.
They’re rooted in the earth and hunt
for nuts, berries, confer cones, flowers
and caterpillars just like you.
You both run from the same dogs,
circling hawks and predatory cats.
If you cut a black squirrel,
does he not bleed?
Why can’t you all be members
of the same brotherhood?
The enemy of your enemy has got to be
your friend.